Interesting Theme + nice  Logo


apr3_busan_img.jpgBusan Biennale 2014
Inhabiting the World
September 20–November 22, 2014






Venue: Busan Museum of Art, Busan Cultural Center, etc.

Artistic Director: Olivier Kaeppelin (Director of Fondation Maeght, France)
Host: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Biennale Organizing Committee
Support: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

The Busan Biennale 2014, titled as Inhabiting the World, will be shaped with a main exhibition, two special exhibitions, diverse academic programs, international exchange events and participatory events.

First of all, the main exhibition, curated by Olivier Kaeppelin, the artistic director, will be opened at the Busan Museum of Art. Kaeppelin claims that artists may have more efficient, sustainable analysis and alterations for various social issues and transformations than experts of a certain field or academics would do. In this light, as he adds, Inhabiting the World implies active attitudes and liveliness towards the world as well as willingness to respond to the world as well as change it, which resemble the characteristics of the city of Busan. By exhibiting art pieces that could constitute evidences of the contemporaneity and implement the future, Kaeppelin would like to represent the consciousness that still remains in contemporary art and artists during the most incongruent, incoherent time of the most materialist society.

At the same time, Kaeppelin attempts to develop particular education programs so that not only can the exhibited works be smoothly understood and appreciated, but also so that the exhibition spaces can act as pedagogical venues.

Along with the main exhibition, special exhibitions will be comprised: Biennale Archive and Asian Curatorial. The Biennale Archive exhibition, titled Voyage to Biennale—50 years of Contemporary Korean Art in Overseas Biennales—will be curated by Lee Kenshu (the previous editor in chief of Monthly Art). Bringing together leading Korean artists‘ works, Biennale Archive will exhibit artworks that may represent the new contemporary. This archive exhibition will survey the biennale history from Biennale de Paris and exhibit the related references chronologically, which will become a great opportunity to see the modern history of Korean art becoming radically international.

Another special exhibition, Asian Curatorial, will be co-curated by young Asian curators working in major cities of Asia. Together with about five emerging curators who are recommended by a few Asian biennales, the special exhibition will create a hugely experimental scene in which diverse Asian artists‘ and curators‘ brand-new works and their original insights may be disclosed. Moreover, this exhibition attracts more expectations, as it will be the palpable visual outcome of years of interchanges with other Asian biennales situated in port cities, such as Busan.

In addition, during the opening of the exhibition, there will be various events, including academic programs, international exchange programs, participatory programs and so on. The academic programs include lectures, field trips, a public hearing, panel discussions that will open a discursive platform for the Busan Biennale 2014 and forums in association with AICA (Association Internationale des Critiques d’Art). Discussions with representatives from Asian Biennales and with chief editors of major Asian art journals will be held as a part of the international exchange programs. Plus, the Busan Biennale will be boosted with Agora projects with smaller forums and artist-talk events and Biennale Lounge as a participatory program. The Agora project and Biennale Lounge as participating events will be conceived and realized in cooperation with other local institutions and organizations in Busan.

What's nextWhat’s next?

Broschüre: 700 Seiten
Verlag: Kulturverlag Kadmos (27. Dezember 2013)
Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
ISBN-10: 3865992005
ISBN-13: 978-3865992000
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 23 x 17 x 4,8 cm


WHAT’S  NEXT?  Kunst  nach  der  Krise .  Ein  Reader
Johannes  M.  Hedinger  /  Torsten  Meyer  (Hg.)
Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin, Umfang: 672 Seiten, Erscheinungstermin: 2. Dez. 2013


„What’s next? Kunst nach der Krise“ ist ein Reader, der 177 Essays und Interviews sowie 154 Thesen, Manifeste und Zitatevon insgesamt 304 Autoren zum Thema des möglichen Nächsten in der Kunst versammelt. Diskutiert werden die gewandeltenBedingungen von Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption von Kunst heute in einem globalen Kontext, die neustenEntwicklung des „Betriebssystem Kunst“, den sich ankündigenden Paradigmenwechsel sowie mögliche zukünftiger Modelleder Kunst, ihres Betriebes und ihrer Vermittlung in einer „nächsten Gesellschaft“ (Baecker).Das Buch hat seinen Ursprung in zwei gleichnamigen Konferenzen und Lehrveranstaltungen an der Universität zu Köln(Institut für Kunst & Kunsttheorie) und der Hochschule der Künste Zürich (Departement für Kulturanalysen undVermittlung). Die dort lancierten Fragen und Debatten wurden wieder aufgenommen und um weitere, auch globalereBlickwinkel erweitert. Der Reader wird sowohl für zukünftige Lehrveranstaltungen dienen, spricht aber auch ein breites,transdiziplinäres Publikum aus Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, Kunstpraxis und Design, Kommunikation und NeueMedien, Soziologie, Pädagogik und Philosophie an. Auf einer zum Buch gehörenden Website (http://whtsnxt.net) werdenZusatzmaterialien (Bilder, Videos, Audio) angeboten, die mittels QR-Code im Buch direkt angesteuert werden können.

Liste der Autoren (177 Essays und 154 Zitate)

Marina Abramović
Theodor W. Adorno
Ai Weiwei
Maria Aljochina
Rasheed Araeen
Julieta Aranda
Lisa Anne Auerbach
Alain Badiou
Jens Badura
Dirk Baecker
Toni Cade Bambara
Aram Bartholl
Barbara Basting
Lea Becker
Samuel Beckett
Christoph Behnke
Hans Belting
Einar Örn Benediktsson
Walter Benjamin
Michael Betancourt
Joseph Beuys
Timon Beyes
Tobia Bezzola
Paolo Bianchi
Alain Bieber
Jacob Birken
Ernst Bloch
Niels Bohr
Luc Boltanski
Friedrich von Borries
Matthias Böttger
Nicolas Bourriaud
Bazon Brock
Stanley Brouwn
Bruce High Quality Foundation
Christoph Brunner
Brian Buirge & Jason Bacher
Falk Busse
Judith Butler
John Cage
Simon Castets
Ève Chiapello
Armin Chodzinski
Carolyn Christov-Barkargiev
Petra Cortright
Douglas Coupland
Marco Cuevas-Hewitt
Neil Cummings
Piotr Czerski
Anthony Davies
Jake Davis
Régis Debray
Ekaterina Degot
Annet Dekker
Gilles Deleuze
Christopher Dell
Jeremy Deller
Christian Demand
Democracia realya ya!
Chris Dercon
Diedrich Diederichsen
Stephan Dillemuth
Theo van Doesburg
Mladen Dolar
Florian Dombois
Judith Dörrenbächer
Marcel Duchamp
Freeman Dyson
Sylvia Eckermann
Danton Eeprom
Friedrich Engels
Brian Eno
Thomas Feuerstein
Quentin Fiore
Noah Fischer
Peter Fischli & David Weiss
Hal Foster
Michel Foucault
Andrea Fraser
Holm Friebe
Milton Friedman
Yona Friedman
Max Frisch
Richard Buckminster Fuller
Mahatma Gandhi
Johannes Gees
Dirk von Gehlen
André Gide
Pascal Gielen
Gilbert & George
Massimo Gioni
Kenneth Goldsmith
Leon Golub
Iwan Gontscharow
David Graeber
Simon Grand
Isabelle Graw
Boris Groys
Grupa Azorro
Conny Habbel
Michael Hardt
Andrew Heath & Joseph Potter
Johannes M. Hedinger
Jörg Heiser
Pablo Helguera
Ernest Hemingway
Stéphane Hessel
Thomas Hirschhorn
Johannes Hoff
Bernhard Höke
Hanna Hölling
Holstee Manifesto
Bernhard Höke
Jan Holtmann
Roman Horak
Ben Horowitz
Matthias Horx
Imagination Manifesto
Henrik Ibsen
Kornelia Imesch
Jakob Jakobsen
Wassily Kandinsky
Brian Khek
Martin Kippenberger
Naomi Klein
Austin Kleon
Alexander Kluge
Pius Knüsel
Christian Kobald
Ray Kurzweil
Herbert Lachmayer
Dominik Landwehr
Lars Bang Larsen
Maurizio Lazzarato
John Lennon
Ben Lewis
Li Zhenhua
Franz Liebl
Holger Liebs
Theo Lighthart
Geert Lovink
Heinrich Lüber
Karlheinz Lüdeking
Jerzy Ludwinski
Niklas Luhmann
Boris Lurie
Sven Lütticken
Rachel Mader
Florian Malzacher
Y. B. Mangunwijaya
Manifesto Club
Marilyn Manson
Franz Marc
Oliver Marchart
Herbert Marcuse
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Frédéric Martel
Renzo Martens
Chuz Martinez
Karl Marx
Yvonne Mattern
Elisabeth Mayerhofer
Marshall McLuhan
Marshall McLuhan Project
Cuauhtémoc Medina
Jonathan Meese
Timo Meisel
Herman Melville
Koert van Mensvoort
Dieter Mersch
Gustav Metzger
Tobias Meyer
Torsten Meyer
Markus Miessen
Robert Misik
Yana Milev
Wilson Mizner
Carmen Mörsch
Monika Mokre
Andrej Monastyrskij
Heike Munder
Takashi Murakami
Sten Nadolny Bruce Nauman
Antonio Negri
Nicholas Negroponte
Gerald Nestler
Jon von Neumann
Neue Dringlichkeit
New Order
Ingo Niermann
Friedrich Nietzsche
Nicolas O’Brien
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Occupy Wall Street
Steve Oklyn
Yoko Ono
Nam June Paik
Karl-Josef Pazzini
Sibylle Peters
Marc Piesbergen
Daniel Pink
Sebastian Plönges
Alexey Plutser-Sarno
Bern Porter
Birger P. Priddat
Pussy Riot
Yvonne Rainer
Jacques Rancière
Raqs Media Collective
Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen
Milo Rau
Gerald Raunig
Hanno Rauterberg
Andreas Reckwitz
Rainer Maria Rilke
Willi Ritschard
Florian Rittmeyer
Dieter Roelstraete
Basil Rogger
Irit Rogoff
Donald Rubell
Christian Saehrendt
Jerry Saltz
Eryk Salvaggio
Jörg Scheller
René Scheu
Michael Schindhelm
Imanuel Schipper
Christoph Schlingensief
Ralf Schlüter
Karlheinz Schmid
Christian Schoen
Trebor Scholz
Klaus Schönberger
Tomáš Sedláček
Michael Seemann
Tino Sehgal
Constantin Seibt
Maxim Shevchenko
Frank Sinatra
Situationistische Internationale
Peter Sloterdijk
Patti Smith
Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss
Kerstin Stakemeier
Felix Stalder
Serge Stauffer
Jesse Stecklow
Bettina Steinbrügge
Nora Sternfeld
Richard Steurer
Mark Stevenson
Hito Steyerl
Mladen Stilinović
Igor Stokfiszewski
Matthew Stone
Robert Storr
Ernst Strouhal
Aaron Swartz
The Yes Men
Wolfgang Tillmans
Rirkrit Tiravanija
Ryan Trecartin
Rosmarie Trockel
Brian Troemel
Nadeschda Tolokonnikowa
Tristan Tzara
Wolfgang Ullrich
Jan Verwoert
Francesco Vezzoli
Anton Vidokle
Adrian Villar Rojas
Sabine B. Vogel
Roger Walch
David Foster Wallace
Andy Warhol
Joanna Warza
Christoph Weckerle
Peter Weibel
Jannecke Wesseling
Kanye West
Vivienne Westwood
Hartmut Wickert
Michael Wiederstein
Geert Wilders
Camiel van Winkel
Brian Kuan Wood
Ulf Wuggenig
Beat Wyss
Wolfgang Zinggl
Slavoj Žižek
Artur Żmijewski



Effectual Principles

Effectuation ist eine eigenständige Entscheidungs-Logik, die von erfahrenen Entrepreneuren in Situationen der Ungewissheit bevorzugt eingesetzt wird. Effectuation lässt sich als Umkehrung kausaler Logik, die auf Vorhersage der Zukunft basieren, beschreiben.

Der Effectuation-Ansatz ist ein aktuelles Ergebnis der globalen Entrepreneurship-Forschung, wurde von Professor Saras Sarasvathy (University of Virginia) begründet[1] und seither mehrfach empirisch belegt und weiterentwickelt.

Effectuation und kausale Logik unterscheiden sich in ihrer Grundannahme über das Wesen der Zukunft:

Kausale Logik: Nur das, was wir vorhersagen können, können wir steuern.
Effectuation: All das, was wir steuernd beeinflussen können, brauchen wir nicht vorherzusagen. -> Wikipedia

Menschen in unterschiedlichsten Handlungsfeldern müssen immer öfter unter Ungewissheit unternehmerisch entscheiden und handeln. Doch wie kann man entschlossen Neues in die Welt bringen, wenn die Zukunft ungewiss ist, Ziele nicht fix vorgegeben sind und die Umwelt durch viele Akteure gleichzeitig gestaltet wird?

Effectuation ist das Ergebnis aufwändiger Feldforschung zu den Denkgewohnheiten erfahrener und erfolgreicher Unternehmer – den Experten für Situationen der Ungewissheit. Deren Denk- und Entscheidungsgewohnheiten weisen (unabhängig von Branche, Alter, Nationalität, …) Gemeinsamkeiten auf, die unser gewohntes kausales Denken auf den Kopf stellen. Laut aktuellen Erkenntnissen der Entrepreneurship-Forschung ist Effectuation eine eigenständige Logik für schwer einschätzbare, jedoch gestaltbare Bedingungen.

Was die Sache für Praktiker unterschiedlicher Handlungsfelder so interessant macht: Effectuation ist lern- und lehrbar und führt unter Ungewissheit gleichzeitig zu weniger Risiko und besseren Ergebnissen. http://www.effectuation.at

Presseartikel zu Effectiation: http://www.effectuation.at/index.php?/pages/Download.html


Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV)

Exhibition design by http://www.laborb.de. Photo © Daniel Hofer

HIS MASTER’S VOICE: On Voice and Language
23 March–7 July 2013

Opening: Friday, March 22, 19h

Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV) at Dortmunder U
Zentrum für Kunst und Kreativität (Centre for Art and Creativity)
44137 Dortmund, Germany
Hours: Tuesday–Wednesday 11–18h, 
Thursday–Friday 11–20h, Saturday–Sunday 11–18h



We are acting through language—but how does language act through us? The exhibition HIS MASTER’S VOICE: On Voice and Language addresses the uncanny, irritating or comical moments produced by the human voice and language. This selection of performances, videos and web projects lets spectators experience the emotional, social and political potential of the voice. How is the voice connected to the body and identity of the individual? What happens when the spoken word detaches itself from the speaker, the text from its meaning, the sound from the image? What if the voice no longer belongs to the body from which it emanates? The artists in this exhibition listen to ventriloquists and voice-over artists as well as propagandists and preachers. They explore and re-enact historic and contemporary speech acts, probing the emotional and spiritual effect of the vocal power and word games, and playing with shifts of meaning and identity. While doing so, they also experiment with the various media used to record, reproduce or silence the voice.

HIS MASTER’S VOICE: On Voice and Language is an exhibition on the performativity of voice and language, the inauthenticity and uncanniness of speaking, voice as a political speech act, and language as performative utterance. The exhibition will examine the ‚urge to speak in contemporary art‘ (Sabine Maria Schmidt). Artists are increasingly interested in speech acts and the corporeality and performativity of the human voice, tackling a broad range of issues from the analysis of the voice as an indicator of presence and identity to examinations of historic and contemporary political rhetoric, including such extreme forms as hate speech.

The exhibition includes works by Christophe Bruno (FR), Erik Bünger (SE), William S. Burroughs & Anthony Balch (US), Aslı Çavuşoğlu (TR), YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES (KR), Dortmunder Sprechchor (DE), Jakup Ferri (KOS), Jochen Gerz (DE), Richard Grayson (UK), Asta Gröting (DE), Daniel Hofer (DE), Anette Hoffmann / Andrea Bellu / Matei Bellu / Regina Sarreiter (DE), International Institute of Political Murder (CH), Ignas Krunglevicius (LT/NO), Bruce Nauman (US), Stefan Panhans (DE), Julius Popp (DE), Laure Prouvost (FR/UK), Kathrin Resetarits (AT), Peter Rose (US), Manuel Saiz (ES), Anri Sala (AL), Richard Serra with Nancy Holt (US), Katarina Zdjelar (SR/NL), Artur Zmijewski (PL), and others.

Curated by Inke Arns 

Generously supported by Kunststiftung NRW

Main funders of HMKV: Kulturbüro Stadt Dortmund, Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes NRW

Kindly supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy
Kindly supported by the Office for Visual Arts/Institut français in collaboration with the French Ministry for Culture and Communication/DGCA
Kindly supported by Pro Helvetia, Swiss Cultural Foundation

Free admission on the first Wednesday of every month 
Free admission for minors (under 18)

Guided tours
Thursdays 18h, Sundays/public holidays 16h
Guided tours are included in the admission fee



Cittadellarte Kunsthaus Graz Opening
Cittadellarte Kunsthaus Graz Opening

steirischer herbst

21/09 – 14/10/2012

Yesterday I visited some openings at the steirischer herbst Festival in Graz.During the festivalsaison there are many exhibitons all over the city. There is one common theme, „Truth is concrete“.

Truth is concrete

The Netherlands, Hungary, Spain, Great Britain, Greece, Tunis, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Japan… A list in progress of countries as synonyms for crises, hopes, disasters that are changing the world so fast, we can’t keep track: The rise of the populist right, financial devastations threatening the whole European project, fundamental destruction of economical, educational and cultural structures, democratic uprisings, Islamic fundamentalism, threats of technological and ecological catastrophes – where to start, where to end?

What is the role of art in this race of events that we can barely follow, let alone properly understand? At a time when theory and practice are constantly running behind reality? When art is seen rather as a mere leftist hobby than a foundation of humanity? (find more here) 

I also participated in an Performance of Christian Falsnaes at the Kunstverein Medienturm. He explained some simple Performances and made examples. The Christian invited some visitors to repeat it it front of the audience and in front of an videocamera.

Please visit Festivalsite to find more informations about this exiting Festival!


Curated by

Vienna 2012
Sept. 20 – Oct. 25 2012

curated by_vienna is a project that commissions co-operations between Vienna’s leading contemporary art galleries and internationally renowned curators. Now in its fourth year, curated by_vienna 2012 will be held in 22 galleries throughout the city, opening on September 20 and running until October 25.

Under the title art or life: aesthetics and biopolitics, this year’s project conceived by Eva Maria Stadler in cooperation with the galleries explores the interconnections between work, economy knowledge and politics. 25 curators have been invited to develop special exhibitions for the participating galleries.

Map of galleries, visited today


Please visit also my Artist website!



New York Times

The Sunday Review

OPINION, Let’s Be Less Productive, By TIM JACKSON, Published: May 26, 2012

Find the full article here

Sophia Martineck

HAS the pursuit of labor productivity reached its limit?

Productivity — the amount of output delivered per hour of work in the economy — is often viewed as the engine of progress in modern capitalist economies. Output is everything. Time is money. The quest for increased productivity occupies reams of academic literature and haunts the waking hours of C.E.O.’s and finance ministers. Perhaps forgivably so: our ability to generate more output with fewer people has lifted our lives out of drudgery and delivered us a cornucopia of material wealth.

But the relentless drive for productivity may also have some natural limits. Ever-increasing productivity means that if our economies don’t continue to expand, we risk putting people out of work. If more is possible each passing year with each working hour, then either output has to increase or else there is less work to go around. Like it or not, we find ourselves hooked on growth.

What, then, should happen when, for one reason or another, growth just isn’t to be had anymore? Maybe it’s a financial crisis. Or rising prices for resources like oil. Or the need to rein in growth for the damage it’s inflicting on the planet: climate change, deforestation, the loss of biodiversity. Maybe it’s any of the reasons growth can no longer be safely and easily assumed in any of today’s economies. The result is the same. Increasing productivity threatens full employment.

One solution would be to accept the productivity increases, ….

Find the full article here


Photo: New Hampshire Fish & Game website
Photo: New Hampshire Fish & Game website

SciStarter will bring together the millions of citizen scientists in the world; the thousands of potential projects offered by researchers, organizations, and companies; and the resources, products, and services that enable citizens to pursue and enjoy these activities.

Everyone is invited to help for science to act like a scientist. SciStarter connects millions of science and nature enthusiasts to real research projects they can do. There are thousands of existing “citizen-science” projects created by academics, community groups, and non-profits that need the help of volunteers. Such activities range from tracking the effect of climate change on butterfly migration to analyzing galaxies.

To get more information about the „object of insterst“ it is necessary to do some studies. Count something, get information all over the world or wait for a special moment. All these little actions take time (= money).  SciStarter offers a big number of people who want (and can) help you at your project. You can also science on other projects too 😉

With a little help from the citizen scientists 🙂